Join the conversation at #SRC23

As the Scottish waste and resources sector approaches milestone moments, with new regulation and frameworks coming into play, it is essential we are prepared for the changes to come – and ready to innovate. 

Returning to Perth for two days of discussion, knowledge-sharing and networking, this year’s Scottish Resources Conference is not to be missed. We’ll delve into industry use-cases, informative discussion and debate and collaborative break-out sessions focussing on the changing landscape ahead. Find out more here

As well as two days of unmissable content from experts across the Scottish industry, we’ll also be hosting a networking dinner after Day 1. Book your conference and dinner tickets here


Get your ticket for SRC23 here!

Conference Partners



As the leading professional body for resource and waste professionals, CIWM (Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) is the voice of the sector and represents over 5,500 individuals and organisations in the UK and overseas.



Our role in protecting the environment and human health is wide-ranging, including environmental regulation, mitigating and adapting to climate change, monitoring and reporting on the state of our environment, raising awareness of environmental issues, engaging with the public through citizen science projects, and resolving environmental harms.

Zero Waste Scotland

Zero Waste Scotland

We exist to lead Scotland to use products and resources more responsibly, focusing on where we can have the greatest effect on reducing climate change together through responsible consumption, responsible production and maximising value through waste.